
Things lost or left in the hotel

Things lost or left in the hotel

Things lost or left in the hotel

The hotel is obliged to store found items for one year from the moment of informing the owner or for two years if the owner cannot be identified. Information on the storage length should be included in the hotel regulations or in the hotel guide.

What to do when we lose something?

If we lose or leave something in the hotel, this information should be immediately reported to the hotel reception. If the lost item is found during the guest's stay in the hotel, the hotel room service is obliged to give it back to the owner. After leaving the hotel, guests should immediately inform the hotel reception when they realize they have left something. The hotel service will probably suggest sending it to the given address if the lost item can be found. When informing about the lost item, it is necessary to describe the appearance, size, shape, and other valuable information as precisely as possible in order to identify the item. After finding the item, the hotel reception should contact the owner by phone and inform him/her about this fact. The guest should indicate the address to which his/her item should be sent back.





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