Searching for hotel
The hotel accommodation search engine can be found on the eSky homepage under the Hotels tab.
Booking of accommodation in hotels step by step
1. Choose the city where you want to book the hotel.
2. Set dates of planned stay – you can enter dates yourself or use the calendar by clicking the icon in the date entry fields.
3. Select the number of guests in the room and the type of guests (adult, child – also determine the age of children).
4. If you want to book more than 1 room, use the "Add another room" button.
5. Click "Search for a hotel".
Presentation of search results
After entering the basic search criteria and clicking the Search hotel button, a search results page appears, where you can find a list of hotels available in the selected city.
Here you can see short descriptions of hotels (address, distance from the centre), their prices, as well as you are able to narrow down the search results in order to choose the best offer for you.
Sorting results
The "Sort by:" option allows you to sort the list of hotels by:
• popularity,
• prices,
• guest rating,
• distance from the centre.
Additional filters
Additional filters can be found on the left side of the screen. Here you can select criteria that should be met by the object you are interested in: price range, hotel category (number of stars), equipment (e.g. swimming pool, gym, conference room), distance from the centre, airports or other popular places or choose a hotel chain.
Details of an offer
To find out more about a particular hotel, click the See details button which will take you to the page presenting the details of the hotel.
Hotel description
After clicking the "View details" button, a screen appears describing the hotel you have chosen. Here you will find photos of the hotel, a description of the hotel, information about its location, as well as information about room availability. In the Map tab you can see the exact location of the hotel on the map, while in the Guest reviews and TripAdvisor tabs you will find comments of people who have had the opportunity to stay in a selected hotel.
If a given hotel does not meet your expectations, you can return to the page presenting a list of all available hotels in a given city by clicking the "Return to search results" link and selecting a different object.
If a given facility corresponds to your expectations, click Book. This button will take you to the page, where you will be able to fill up hotel guest data and book accommodation. Find out how to book your hotel.